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June 20, 2006
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday June 20, 2006 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Rd., Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.  

PRESENT:  Chet Hopper, Joe Hemingway, Tom Long, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Rau, Bruce Walczak ABSENT:  Brian Aumueller, Kim Danziger, Charles Stofko.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon review of the minutes of the regular meeting of 5/16/06 it was concluded that the Salute to Business theme should read “Founded in Newtown”.  Upon motion by Mr. Walczak the minutes were unanimously accepted as amended.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Mr. Hopper received a letter from the Town of Newtown indicating that the Commission has been granted a $10,000 appropriation.  



Community Development Director:  The Community Development Directors report was not available however Mr. Hopper reported that communications with the Director indicate that current economic activity is centered in retail on South Main Street.  

Agribusiness:  Mr. Kreinik reported that approximately 20 local agribusiness owners attended the meeting.  The major issues that arose from the meeting were centered on signage, overall awareness, and the importance of regular collaboration between the businesses and the Commission.  The Commission will be forming a sub-committee to investigate various levels of regulations on signage (Federal, State, Town, Borough) to assist local businesses on the issue.  Mr. Walczak distributed a printout from the Town of Newtown website regarding signage regulations.
                See Attachment    
Mr. Kreinik reported that ideas arising from the meeting regarding increasing awareness were a farm guide map and connecting local produce to schools and markets.  

Board of Selectmen Meeting:  Mr. Hopper reported that the Selectmen received Mr. Hopper’s letter regarding the Commission’s recognition as the development agency for the Tech Park.  First Selectman Rosenthal will write a letter to the Legislative Council asking that the Commission be the agency for development, sales, and marketing of the Park.  The Board of Selectmen shall maintain final authority over the Park and the Commission shall cease involvement upon the final lease/sale in the Park.  


Strategic Plan 2005:  After discussion, the Commission concluded that the primary focus must be on the Tech Park project, agribusiness awareness, and overall business retention.  The EDC will also act as a guide for any interested parties in the Batchelder property.

Salute to Business 2006:  Mr. Hopper reported that the theme of the event shall be “Founded in Newtown” to celebrate businesses that are established in Town and are serving the community.  The Commission will discuss possible suggestions at the next meeting.

Tech Park Agency:  Mr. Hopper presented revised plans for the Tech Park and reported that final renderings should be available for the next meeting.  The Commission is working with TUV Rhineland and Misty Morning with access issues.  The Commission will need to address Planning and Zoning for special zoning in the park.  It is expected that approvals could be in place by he end of the summer.  


Capital improvement plan for EDC:  Mr. Hopper reported that the Tech Park has been approved for approximately $2,500,000 from 2007-2010.  The Commission feels that this will be more than sufficient to complete the project as the Commission has obtained two grants in the aggregate amount of $770,000 for the project.  

Traffic Issues:  Mr. Walczak presented traffic flow diagrams provided by a consultant for the Town.  The diagrams address possible changes in the intersections at Main Street and Church Hill Rd., Queen Street and Mile Hill Rd., and Queen Street and Glover.

ADJOURNMENT:  Mr. Hemingway moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.  

Patrick Kelley, Clerk Pro Term

Attachment (A) Article VI Signs